In this article, we will show you how to get empanelled with Samco Mutual Fund.
Let’s start with the empanelment process for Non-individuals: A step-by-step guide.
Before we start with the process, let us keep the following document handy to save your time.
- AMFI Registration Number (ARN) document
- Bank passbook
- Registered mobile device and email id
Step 1: Visit
Hover your mouse on the ‘Distributor Corner’ button on the top left and click on ‘Empanel’. Select your Distributor type. Now enter your ARN.

Step 2: Verify your contact details
Now enter your mobile number and verify it with a one-time password. If you want to receive updates on WhatsApp, simply tick the checkbox.

If you want to add a mobile number, enter your new mobile number, verify with a one-time password and proceed.
After the mobile verification, complete the verification process via email.

Step 3: Add bank account information
Once you upload your ARN, you will be directed to add your bank account details where your ARN name will be auto-fetched. Now enter the details such as name/business name, account number, IFSC code, bank name, branch address, and select your account type.

Step 4: Upload your documents
In this step, you have to upload a clear scan copy of all necessary documents for verification.
● Board Resolution (BR)
● Authorised Signatory (ASL)

(Note: Your file should be no more than 5Mb in jpeg/png/pdf formats)
Step 5: Add authorized signatories
In this step, add your authorised signatories in the following columns and verify them. You must mention the following details such as
● Name
● Mobile
● E-sign

Step 6: E-sign using Aadhaar
In this step, enter your 12-digit Aadhaar card number, click on e-sign. You will be directed to another website to complete your e-signing process.

Now click on I agree, enter the details on the NSDL website, and verify it with a one-time password.
Step 7: Thank You!
We are glad to have you on board!