Samco Active Momentum Fund - Direct Growth

About Scheme: Samco Active Momentum Fund is India’s 1st active momentum fund which aims to invest in stocks that show momentum characteristics such as breakouts, price leadership, etc. using a proprietary momentum-seeking algorithm to generate superior risk-adjusted returns.
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Fund Overview

Investment Objective

The investment objective of the Scheme is to seek to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing in stocks showing strong momentum. Momentum stocks are such that exhibit positive price momentum – based on the phenomenon that stocks which have performed well in the past relative to other stocks (winners) continue to perform well in the future, and stocks that have performed relatively poorly (losers) continue to perform poorly.

However, there can be no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the scheme would be achieved.

Key Highlights
The scheme will rebalance in real time as soon as the system detects a gain or loss of momentum in a particular stock.
The scheme will hedge to protect the downside when there is no or low momentum in the markets.
The proprietary momentum-seeking algorithm scans a universe of 750 stocks, including MicroCaps to find stocks that are gaining momentum.


All Holdings (as on 2025-02-28)

Issuers Industry % Of Net Assets
One 97 Communications Ltd Financial Technology (Fintech) 7.21
Wockhardt Ltd Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 6.53
Dixon Technologies (India) Ltd Consumer Durables 6.08
Religare Enterprises Ltd Finance 4.81
UPL Ltd Fertilizers & Agrochemicals 4.06
Swan Energy Ltd Diversified 3.93
SBI Cards and Payment Services Ltd Finance 3.71
Bharti Airtel Ltd Telecom - Services 3.10
Muthoot Finance Ltd Finance 3.08
Bajaj Finance Ltd Finance 2.93
Info Edge (India) Ltd Retailing 2.72
Divi's Laboratories Ltd Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 2.52
Persistent Systems Ltd IT - Software 1.92
The Indian Hotels Company Ltd Leisure Services 1.87
Marathon Nextgen Realty Ltd Realty 1.42
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd Automobiles 1.33
Chambal Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd Fertilizers & Agrochemicals 1.30
Jupiter Life Line Hospitals Ltd Healthcare Services 1.15
Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd Capital Markets 1.05
Redington Ltd Commercial Services & Supplies 0.91
Zensar Technologies Ltd IT - Software 0.88
Blue Jet Healthcare Ltd Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 0.84
United Breweries Ltd Beverages 0.83
Marico Ltd Agricultural Food & other Products 0.81
Wipro Ltd IT - Software 0.78
Marksans Pharma Ltd Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 0.66
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 0.63
Laurus Labs Ltd Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 0.56
Coforge Ltd IT - Software 0.54
Suven Pharmaceuticals Ltd Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 0.43
ASK Automotive Ltd Auto Components 0.30
Radico Khaitan Ltd Beverages 0.29
BSE Ltd Capital Markets 0.01
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd* Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology
Lupin Ltd* Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology
Trent Ltd* Retailing
TREPS, Cash, Cash Equivalents and Net Current Asset Cash & Cash Equivalents 70.41
Grand Total 100

Industry wise Allocation

Frequently asked questions

What is a Momentum themed Scheme?

It is a thematic fund that invests in stocks that exhibit momentum characteristics and sell those stocks when those stocks lose momentum.

Why does Momentum work?

Momentum works dues to behaviour biases of the investors in the financial markets. Investors are not always rational, they have limits to their control over emotions and are influenced by their own biases such as loss aversion, regret, anchoring and disposition biases. Because of all these human biases, there exists an opportunity in the momentum space which is more consistent and time tested strategy to make an alpha in the stock market.

What is Momentum investing?

It is a strategy to invest in winning stocks which are showing strong momentum. Momentum stocks are such that exhibit positive price momentum – based on the phenomenon that stocks which have performed well in the past relative to other stocks (winners) continue to perform well in the future, and stocks that have performed relatively poorly (losers) continue to perform poorly. The momentum strategy is based on buy high, sell higher or alternatively, cut your losses and let your winners run.

How does Samco define and identify Momentum?

The scheme shall invest in stocks that exhibit momentum characteristics across market capitalisations i.e. Large Caps, Mid-Caps, Small Caps and Micro Cap companies. The fund intends to benefit from momentum in stock prices from short to medium term time frame. The fund makes trades based on trading signals generated by our intelligent algorithm. This algorithm has been developed by studying years of market data including price, volume, volatility, open interest, breakouts, relative strengths and correlations with appropriate weights on various data points. The Momentum investing is based on that gap in time that exists before mean reversion occurs. Momentum is usually seen in the short- to intermediate-term.

What is the universe for stock selection for this fund?

The universe for this fund will be Nifty 750 i.e. Nifty500 stocks and Nifty Micro cap 250 stocks.

How many stocks would the fund hold?

There is no restriction on number of stocks in the fund. The scheme will hold stocks that are in momentum as deemed fit by the fund manager.

Will this fund also follow the HexaShield Framework?

No, this scheme comes under the Distinctive Patterns Strategies which will have its own framework. This scheme does not heavily rely on quality of financials and has more emphasis on price, volume, breakouts and other technical indicators.

What is the benchmark of the scheme?

Nifty500 TRI will be the benchmark of the scheme.

Samco Active Momentum Fund - Direct Growth

Active Share:
Active Share
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(An open-ended equity scheme following momentum theme)

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking* :

  • Long Term Capital Appreciation;
  • An actively managed thematic equity scheme that invests in stocks exhibiting momentum characteristics;

*Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

Samco Active Momentum Fund

The risk of the scheme is moderate

Nifty 500 TRI
Invest Now

Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.

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